Tradiepreneur Members’ Goals

When it comes to goal setting, not knowing where to start can prevent you from setting them in the first place!

We thought if we shared 16 of our Tradiepreneur members’ goals, from what they are working on this quarter, it might inspire you to begin creating your own. 

16 Goals Our Tradiepreneurs Are Working Towards This Quarter:

Steve – Landscaper, VIC
1. Setting productivity targets for his team to work towards
2. Creating Gantt charts for his team to work with on all jobs

Liam and Samara – Builders, NSW
3. Finalising subcontractor agreements for all subbies
4. Structuring their own working hours to allow for leisure time as a family

Ben – Heavy Diesel Fitter, WA
5. Getting his SWMS completed and ready to use
6. Accumulating a 1-2 month financial buffer in bank

Renata and Luke – Landscapers, NSW
7. Execute team reviews
8. Finalise company structure set up

Matt and Corrine – Air Conditioning, QLD
9. Continue creating and assessing financial dashboard
10. Map out first draft of a sales process for review

Ben – Electrician, QLD
11. Work on time blocking for time management
12. Organise a storage area for stock

Connor – Carpenter, ACT
13. Get back into a healthy routine (gym, social life, sports etc)
14. Work towards a holiday in August to Perth

Karla and Leo – Electricians, New Zealand
15. To hire a registered electrician this quarter.
16. To get electrical contracts from local start-up builders/developers.

As you can see,  these goals are varied so we hope they serve as a source of motivation for you in your trade business. 

We’d love to hear about your goals for this year… join our Facebook group and leave a post with your goals for us to give some feedback on
