your business model

On a daily basis, we are asked here at TIB HQ how to get more business for our tradies. While there is no simple rule that works for all, the key is to be consistent with your work finding. Your business should always be actively seeking work in all ways, for we never know when the next downturn is coming.

We have prepared this quick list of 21 ways to get more business to get you started. Remember though, that these tips will get enquires coming through the door, but it is up to you to qualify those enquires to ensure they are suitable clients for your business.

For far too long, tradies have been taught that we must take every bit of work we can find in order to make money. Nothing could be further from the truth. just how many times have you taken a job on, under pressure, that you didn’t want to do, only to find you lost money in the end? Not all jobs, situations or clients are right for your business model.

If you don’t have a sales process in place to qualify your leads, now is the time to start thinking about how to implement one.

21 Ways To Get More Business

  1. Become an authority in community Facebook groups by answering questions. This allows the community to get to know you, like you and trust you.
  2. Call back each quote you were knocked back on in the last 3-6 months.
  3. Create alliances with other trades
  4. Create an Industry Newsletter
  5. Email marketing
  6. Facebook competition
  7. Film yourself turning up to a random previous clients house with a gift to say thank you and share on your socials
  8. Sports club sponsorships
  9. Letterbox drop
  10. Google Adwords
  11. Host an event (Even a Facebook online one)
  12. Use Instagram to let your potential clients know you have a space coming up
  13. Leave business cards at cafes
  14. Use LinkedIn
  15. Check out GoodWork
  16. Use loyalty cards with your clients
  17. Call regular clients to see if they need you
  18. Create and send a press release about something great you recently did in your business
  19. Offer a membership service
  20. Cold call potential new clients
  21. Have a referral rewards system


Finding new business can be difficult when we do what we have always done. Why not try several from the list above to get your business out there in front of new people in ways you haven’t done before. As a final note, never underestimate the power of social media as a potential source of clients.
