handle client objection

We all get “NO” as an answer from a customer at some point. 

Most people let their emotions take over when faced with an objection. Thus, they can no longer understand the customer at a deeper level that would enable them to explain why the customer should YES. 

Here are some tips on how to handle an objection. 

1. Don’t interrupt the customer instead, listen carefully, and talk calmly. Understandably, you wanted the customer to hear you out but listening to the customer and understanding his concern at a deeper level will give you an edge to get him to say yes. 

This will build the customer’s trust in you. Seeing you don’t hurry up to close the deal but instead, you truly understand their concern.

2. Ask questions but avoid asking “Why.” Asking “Why” directly puts the customer on the defensive. Ask questions that would allow the customer to elaborate on his concern. 

Example: May I know what is causing the concern?

This would allow the customer to explain his objection. 

3. Validate the concern. This would make the customer feel that you truly understand where he’s coming from. 

Example: I understand why you’re concerned with the price. 

4. Identify other possible issues the customer may have. 

Example: Should this be addressed, would there be other concerns you’re aware of?

5. Ask permission to address the objection. This would make the customer feel that he’s in control. 

Example: Can I bounce a few thoughts off of you?

6. Reframe the objection. This enables the customer to see the objection differently. Turning the customer’s insight from concerned to empowered.

Objection handling skill is very rare but can be learned. 

If you need more resources on how to handle client objection, you can download the Objection Handling Script.

